Just when I thought that a promising spring was finally coming and that I’d enjoyed my free time reading at the park or walking through the town center, just then it happened.
I fell down and, shhhmuck, my kneecap went out.
The sixth one.
Last time it happened exactly one year before, when I was enjoying a termal bath in Lasko during my spring break in Slovenia. I would never get used to such a painful feeling and to the following And-Now-What kind of panic. Because when you are on the floor with your leg disharmonically behind, you happen to realize you won’t walk for a long time and you happen to remind all those hours in a physioterapist center and all those times you decline an invitation to a concert ’cause the place may be too overcrowed. And you feel so looser on that floor that you beg pratically whoever to put the clock back.
But that does not happen. Neither of the six times I dislocated my kneecap.
And so, after half hour drama queening about it, an hour crying and ten hours of ice on my swollen and aching knee, here I am, catching up on my favourite TV shows’ new episodes and finally finding the time to update this blog.
Every cloud has a silver lining :-)